Press Releases

October 5, 2021
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth law professor Richard Peltz-Steele filed a federal lawsuit against UMass Faculty Federation, the university president and state officials to defend his right to free speech and freedom of association....
September 21, 2021
A teacher who was placed on leave for recommending a video which encouraged young people to do their best and not to depend on others, is returning to her teaching role after help from the Liberty Justice Center....
September 1, 2021
| Hart v. Facebook
Social media influencer Justin Hart has filed a federal lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter, U.S. President Joe Biden, and the U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy for violating his First Amendment right to free speech....
August 16, 2021
| Menders v. Loudoun County School Board
Last week, U.S. District Court Judge Anthony J. Trenga issued an order on the Motion for Preliminary Injunction in Menders v. Loudoun County School Board....
August 12, 2021
Illinois property owners filed a federal lawsuit challenging the U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) latest illegal eviction ban. While the Biden Administration claims the eviction ban provides relief to struggling Americans, it does so by passing on hardships to other Americans—property owners....
July 23, 2021
A former MassHealth employee is suing the agency after she was fired for posting in a private Facebook group that she opposes reporting people who do not wear masks to law enforcement authorities. Denise Foley has filed a lawsuit against MassHealth for wrongful termination and violating her free speech rights with help from attorneys at the Liberty Justice Center, a national public interest law firm....
July 14, 2021
The Liberty Justice Center, a national public interest law firm that fights for constitutional rights and free speech, has sued the Attorneys General of New York and New Jersey over the states’ unconstitutional policy requiring nonprofits to disclose private information about their donors....
June 9, 2021
Superintendent Jim Snapp was compelled to restore Kristin Ferklic’s access to his public Twitter account where he shares important school news after Ferklic’s attorneys at the Liberty Justice Center sent a demand letter to the BCSC school board last week....
June 2, 2021
| Menders v. Loudoun County School Board
A group of Loudoun County parents have filed a federal lawsuit against school leaders for violating students’ free speech rights. ...


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