Press Releases

January 13, 2022
| BST Holdings, LLC v. OSHA
Louisiana grocery store owner Brandon Trosclair has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to stop the federal government’s vaccine mandate on private businesses....
January 7, 2022
| Golden v. Chicago Teachers Union
A group of Chicago parents have filed a lawsuit against the Chicago Teachers Union, calling this week’s school closures an “illegal strike” and demanding that teachers return to school for in-person learning....
December 22, 2021
Two Head Start teachers, Sandy Brick of Louisiana and Jessica Trenn of Ohio, filed a federal lawsuit to stop a new vaccine and mask mandate....
November 12, 2021
| BST Holdings, LLC v. OSHA
The federal government has been ordered to halt all implementation and enforcement of its COVID vaccine and testing mandate following the request by petitioner and Louisiana business owner Brandon Trosclair and a group of employees from Texas who sued over the mandate last week. ...
November 6, 2021
| BST Holdings, LLC v. OSHA
November 4, 2021
A prominent Louisiana business owner plans to file a federal lawsuit to strike down the Biden Administration’s illegal vaccine mandate on private sector employees....
October 25, 2021
A group of nurses for Riverside Healthcare won an important victory today after a Kankakee County judge said their hospital system cannot fire them yet for refusing to get the COVID vaccine. The nurses were facing termination on Oct. 31 until today’s action by Judge Nancy Nicholson. ...
October 14, 2021
Six nurses employed by Riverside Healthcare in Kankakee are fighting for their jobs after being told they would be fired for not receiving the COVID-19 vaccine....


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