LJC In The News

February 1, 2023
Daniel Suhr, managing attorney at Liberty Justice Center appeared on C-SPAN's Washington Journal to discuss the vaccine mandate challenges being heard by the U.S. Supreme Court on Jan. 7...
January 30, 2023

Liberty Justice Center filed an appeal on behalf of a former Arizona State University student who was convicted of trespassing when he handed out copies of the U.S. Constitution on campus. Tim Tizon was arrested last March after he refused to stop distributing pamphlets of the Constitution while still a...

Daily Caller
January 27, 2023

(Daily Caller)—Liberty Justice Center (LJC), a “national free speech law firm,” filed an appeal against Arizona State University (ASU) Thursday after a former student was convicted of trespassing after handing out constitutions on campus, according to Friday’s press release. Tim Tizon, a now-former Arizona State University student, was arrested in...

Courthouse News
December 9, 2022

(Courthouse News)—Students often join school clubs or organizations hoping to bolster their resumes for college admissions offices. But three Virginia parents claim their children face exclusion from a school system’s student equity ambassador program based on their beliefs and race. On Thursday, a Fourth Circuit panel of three Republican-appointed judges...

Chicago Magazine
October 24, 2022

(Chicago Magazine)—As other Midwestern states restrict labor’s power, an amendment on the Illinois ballot would further protect it here. Bruce Rauner hated unions. But as a Republican governor with a Democratic legislature, he knew he couldn’t push through a statewide “right-to-work” law. Such legislation would have allowed employees in unionized...

Cook County Record
October 17, 2022

(Cook County Record)—A federal judge has blocked Illinois from enforcing its law forbidding anyone from outside Illinois from contributing to the campaigns of those seeking election as judges, as the federal judge indicated the law appears to be based on little more than Illinois Democrats’ desire to maintain control of...

Chicago Tribune
October 17, 2022
With less than a month to go before voters determine the balance of power on the Illinois Supreme Court, a federal judge has temporarily blocked provisions in two recent Democratic-backed state laws that limit contributions in judicial races....
Wall Street Journal
October 11, 2022
California Gov. Gavin Newsom made a splash this summer by running ads in Florida that claimed “freedom is under attack in your state.” The ads should have aired in his own state, which is the land of lockdowns and mask mandates. And under a new state law, doctors may even...
October 7, 2022
What is California’s AB 2098? This new state law chills free speech of doctors whose assessment of medical facts differs from the State of Californiaa...
Bloomberg Law
October 5, 2022

(Bloomberg Law)—President Joe Biden’s litigation opponents are seizing on his remark that the pandemic is “over” as they challenge policies adopted in response to the public health crisis. Republican attorneys general in six states noted Biden’s comment to “60 Minutes” last month in a Sept. 29 suit challenging his plan...

Washington Times
October 5, 2022

(Washington Times)—Two California doctors have filed a federal lawsuit to overturn a new state law restricting the advice they can give patients about COVID-19. Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, signed Assembly Bill 2098 into law on Friday. It authorizes the Medical Board of California to levy professional sanctions against and...

October 5, 2022

(KUSI News)—AB 2098, recently signed into law by California Gov. Gavin Newsom, qualifies spreading COVID-19 “misinformation” as unprofessional conduct and makes it punishable as such. Attorneys say AB 2098 is unconstitutional and a violation of 1st Amendment. The parameters for misinformation regarding the pandemic are widely debated, with studies continuing...

Fox News
September 27, 2022

(Fox News)—A federal judge in Louisiana on Wednesday struck down a federal school mask and vaccine mandate. U.S. District Court Judge Terry A. Doughty in Lafeyette, Louisiana ruled that the federal government cannot push a COVID-19 vaccine or mask mandate for Head Start program teachers, staff, and volunteers as well...

The Center Square
September 22, 2022

(The Center Square)—With a permanent injunction issued in a case against President Biden’s mask and vaccine mandate for Head Start child care centers, the only question is whether federal officials will appeal the ruling. U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty struck down the mandate on Wednesday, finding the edict poses a...

September 22, 2022

(Newsmax)—A federal district court in Louisiana ruled Thursday that the government cannot require teachers and staff within the Head Start early education program to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Judge Terry A. Doughty also ruled that adults and students cannot be required to wear masks — a win for the Liberty...