Current Cases

The Liberty Justice Center is suing the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) on behalf of four CTU members, demanding that the union produce an audit after failing to do so for four years.
Filed October 8, 2024
The Liberty Justice Center filed a lawsuit to defend the First Amendment rights of a Wyoming doctor who was forced to resign from the Wyoming Board of Medicine for exercising his right to free speech.
Filed August 29, 2024
The Liberty Justice Center is challenging an Illinois law that would prohibit companies from holding mandatory meetings where any “religious or political matters” are discussed —effectively revoking free speech rights across the state.
Filed August 8, 2024
The Liberty Justice Center is suing a New Jersey union that violated a local plumber’s constitutional rights and tried to justify the violation through word games—claiming that a Supreme Court decision doesn’t apply because the union called the money illegally taken from his paychecks “assessments” rather than “dues.”
Filed August 1, 2024
The Liberty Justice Center is suing to defend the First Amendment rights of a high school track and field coach who was fired for proposing an open division for transgender athletes to compete in, to ensure fairness for all student athletes.
Filed July 24, 2024
The Liberty Justice Center is challenging AB 1955, newly-enacted legislation that aims to ban parental notification policies across California.
Filed July 16, 2024
The Liberty Justice Center filed a lawsuit to challenge the recently enacted federal TikTok ban for violating its users’ First Amendment right to free speech.
Filed June 6, 2024
The Liberty Justice Center has filed a lawsuit to challenge Illinois’ dragnet surveillance of every citizen who drives a car or truck in the state—without a warrant or even the barest suspicion of criminal activity.
Filed May 30, 2024
The Liberty Justice Center and Pelican Institute have filed a lawsuit challenging the Biden Administration's liquid natural gas (LNG) export ban.
Filed May 16, 2024
The Liberty Justice Center and the Upper Midwest Law Center jointly filed a lawsuit to defend Minnesota college students’ First Amendment rights, challenging the requirement that all enrolled students pay fees to Students United, a private political organization that takes stances on controversial issues about which many students disagree.
Filed May 9, 2024
The Liberty Justice Center is suing the Davidson County Board of Education on behalf of a sixteen-year-old student whose question about the word “aliens” in English class led to a harsh suspension and false accusations of racism by his own school.
Filed May 7, 2024
The Liberty Justice Center and Pacific Legal Foundation are challenging a federal law that unconstitutionally takes farmers’ property without compensation.
Filed April 16, 2024
The Liberty Justice Center is representing two Jewish New York City public defenders who argue that they should not be forced to pay dues to a union which holds positions they believe to be antisemitic.
Filed April 11, 2024
The Liberty Justice Center is representing the Rocklin Unified School District at no cost as it defends its parental notification policy against a lawsuit by the California Department of Education.
Filed April 10, 2024
The Liberty Justice Center and Pelican Institute are suing the Securities and Exchange Commission to challenge the constitutionality of a recently issued climate "disclosure rule".
Filed March 21, 2024
The Liberty Justice Center filed a lawsuit against an Oregon school district, challenging social media and public comment policies that are violating a local mother’s First Amendment rights.
Filed February 26, 2024
The Liberty Justice Center and Nicole C. Pearson are challenging California Attorney General Bonta for failing to uphold his duty to Californians and violating the law by providing a misleading and biased title to a proposed ballot initiative—rather than a neutral title and summary as required under California law.
Filed February 13, 2024
The Liberty Justice Center and Pelican Institute are challenging a Biden Administration rule that could put independent contractors out of business.
Filed February 8, 2024
NFOA v. Lincoln challenges local firearm restrictions in Lincoln, Nebraska, that defy a recent state law protecting the right to bear arms statewide.
Filed December 18, 2023
NFOA v. Omaha challenges local firearm restrictions in Omaha, Nebraska, that defy a recent state law protecting the right to bear arms statewide.
Filed December 18, 2023
LJC represents the Chino Valley Unified School District to defend it against California Attorney General Rob Bonta’s lawsuit, which attempts to block the district’s parental notification policy.
Filed August 28, 2023
The Liberty Justice Center and the Upper Midwest Law Center are challenging a controversial new Minnesota law that criminalizes core political speech.
Filed September 11, 2023
Weisenstein v. Raoul challenges a new law that would prevent Illinoisians from challenging state laws, rules, or orders in any state court except the Circuit Courts in Chicago and Springfield.
Filed August 29, 2023
The Liberty Justice Center filed a federal lawsuit challenging South Dakota’s law forcing non-profits to disclose donors on behalf of Students for Life Action, a nonprofit in the state.
Filed June 5, 2023
Everyone has the right to free speech. That includes unions, workers, and business owners.
Filed March 16, 2023
A free press is fundamental to our democracy. When government officials choose to block members of the press and public from accessing court rulemaking meetings—where decisions affecting citizens are made in secret—they undermine government transparency and the public trust.
Filed June 13, 2022
The Liberty Justice Center has filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of Alaskan citizens to stop the most intrusive election laws in the country.
Filed April 7, 2022
Paul Gessing, alongside Care Net and Project Defending Life, has filed a lawsuit challenging the unconstitutional use of taxpayer funds to support Planned Parenthood in New Mexico.
Filed January 17, 2023
In Panozzo v. Riverside Healthcare, the Liberty Justice Center is representing 30 medical professionals who were forced to choose between their fundamental religious beliefs and their livelihoods.
Filed October 13, 2021
Government employees don’t surrender their First Amendment rights when they enter public service
Filed July 22, 2021