Cases in


The equal protection of the right to vote is an essential right of every American.
Filed August 4, 2016
First Amendment protections mean that campaign finance rules cannot give political advantages to some businesses and not others.
Filed November 19, 2015
Protecting against the infringement of the government through forceful appointment of an exclusive representative to speak on behalf of child care providers.
Filed November 11, 2015
Protecting against discriminatory taxation practices against online entertainment.
Filed September 9, 2015
Protecting government workers’ First Amendment rights to refuse to join a union.
Filed June 1, 2015
A fight against illegal tax subsidies limited the state's ability to subsidize to politically favored businesses.
Filed January 9, 2015
Liberty is about protecting the right to be free from anti-competitive, unconstitutional laws.
Filed February 28, 2012
The protection of fair elections means protecting the idea that the person with the most votes wins.
Filed March 30, 2013
Free speech protections are reserved for all Americans, not just political organizations.
Filed July 24, 2012
Right-to-work laws are protected at both the state and local level.
Filed February 18, 2016