LJC In The News

The Chicago Tribune
June 25, 2018

(The Chicago Tribune)—It’s fitting that Mark Janus, the plaintiff behind a highly anticipated U.S. Supreme Court ruling this week, works for Illinois government. The union he sued is particularly influential in politics and policy here — with perilous outcomes for taxpayers. The 200-page American Federation of State, County and Municipal...

Capital Public Radio
June 19, 2018

(Capital Public Radio)—This month, the U.S. Supreme Court will hand down a major decision in Janus v. AFSCME, Council 31, impacting teachers and other public employee unions. Rebecca Friedrichs is a teacher and was the lead plaintiff challenging the California Teachers Association’s “agency shop” arrangement, which requires non-union member teachers...

The Hill
June 6, 2018

(The Hill)—On Monday, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Jack Phillips, the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Colorado. The small-business owner inadvertently took on the Goliath of the far-left political machine when he declined to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple, citing the constitutional protection of his...

Wall Street Journal
June 1, 2018

(Wall Street Journal)—As organized labor braces for a Supreme Court ruling that could make it easy for public-sector workers to stop paying some dues, unions across the country are reaching out to hundreds of thousands of members to persuade them to keep paying dues. The Service Employees International Union has...

The Hill
May 11, 2018

(The Hill)—As we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week this week, teachers across the nation remain remarkably underappreciated. In at least five states so far this year, educators are voicing their discontent by organizing walkouts and strikes to protest lagging salaries and woefully inadequate supplies. Viral social media posts of classrooms in...