The Liberty Justice Center Defends Nebraskans’ Second Amendment Rights in Hearing on Nebraska Firearms Owners’ Association v. Omaha

January 19, 2024

In a hearing on January 19, the Liberty Justice Center presented oral arguments in Nebraska Firearms Owners’ Association v. Omaha to defend Nebraskan’s Second Amendment rights against unconstitutional local restrictions.

Jacob Huebert, President of the Liberty Justice Center, argued in favor of a preliminary injunction to halt the enforcement of recent firearms orders and ordinances issued by the city of Omaha. The Liberty Justice Center’s lawsuit argues that the restrictions are null and void because they defy state law and the Constitution.

If granted, the injunction will halt enforcement of the city’s firearms orders and ordinances while litigation is ongoing.

“We are proud to have represented over 10,000 members of the Nebraska Firearms Owners Association and many other Nebraskans in court today,” said Jacob Huebert. “Our lawsuit is simple—Nebraska enacted a law that protects the Second Amendment statewide and prohibits local governments from regulating firearms. Therefore, Omaha’s orders cannot stand. We look forward to seeing those orders and other city firearms restrictions struck down.”

On February 27, in a hearing on the sister case Nebraska Firearms Owners’ Association v. Lincoln, the Liberty Justice Center will argue in favor of a second preliminary injunction to halt similar orders and ordinances by the city of Lincoln, Nebraska.

Nebraska Firearms Owners’ Association v. Omaha (NFOA v. Omaha) was filed in the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District, Douglas County, Nebraska, on December 18, 2023. The sister case Nebraska Firearms Owners Association v. Lincoln (NFOA v. Lincoln) was filed in the District Court of the Third Judicial District, Lancaster County, Nebraska, on December 18, 2023.

The Liberty Justice Center’s case filings in NFOA v. Lincoln are available here, and its filings in NFOA v. Omaha are available here. A press release with more information on the launch of the cases—including a formal opinion by Nebraska Attorney General Michael Hilgers stating that the mayors’ orders violate Nebraskan law and the U.S. Constitution—is available here.

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