Lake County Gazette

U.S. Department of Education Investigates Alleged Title IX Violations in Illinois Schools

March 21, 2025

(Lake County Gazette)—Today, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) initiated investigations into the Illinois Department of Education, Chicago Public Schools District 299, and Deerfield Public Schools District 109 in response to allegations of Title IX violations. The complaints allege that these entities required girls to share their locker room with a boy.

The investigations stem from complaints filed with OCR, including one by the Defense of Freedom Institute and Liberty Justice Center against the Illinois State Board of Education and Chicago Public Schools. The complaint highlights alleged repeated violations of Title IX by Deerfield School District.

“Congress enacted Title IX to end sex-based discrimination against females in educational programs,” said Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Craig Trainor. “This preserves the privacy and safety of all involved, especially young girls. The Department is deeply troubled by these allegations and will investigate this matter fully.”

Robert Eitel, President and Co-Founder of the Defense of Freedom Institute, commented on the situation: “It is shocking that school administrators would allegedly harass and bully a student for objecting to sharing intimate facilities with members of the opposite sex.” He added that they “applaud the Department for launching an investigation.”

According to testimony during a District 109 School Board Meeting last month, female students at Shepard Middle School reported discomfort due to a male presence in their locker room during gym class. The next day, school officials reportedly reprimanded them for refusing to undress in front of him. An administrator allegedly informed them that as long as the male student identifies as female, he may use female facilities.

Title IX prohibits sex-based discrimination in any education program receiving federal financial assistance. Violations can result in loss of federal funding.

For further information or inquiries, contact the Press Office at [email protected] or (202) 401-1576.

Information from this article can be found here.