
Speech First v. Sands

On September 15th, the Liberty Justice Center, joined by the Cato Institute, filed an amicus brief urging the United States Supreme Court to hear Speech First v. Sands, a case challenging Virginia Tech’s “bias response” policies for violating students’ First Amendment rights.

Amicus Brief Press Releases

Amicus Brief In The News

September 22, 2023

(Cato)—Virginia Tech has instituted a “bias‐​related incidents” policy, under which students may be referred to a “Bias Response Team.” Under the policy, students can be referred for violating a standard as vague as “words or actions that contradict the spirit of the Principles of Community.” Students can also run afoul...

Argus Observer
September 19, 2023

(The Argus Observer)—On Sept. 15, the Liberty Justice Center, joined by the Cato Institute, filed an amicus brief urging the United States Supreme Court to hear Speech First v. Sands, a case challenging Virginia Tech’s “bias response” policies for violating students’ First Amendment rights. On April 8, 2021, Speech First—a...

Amicus Brief Documents

September 15, 2023



Speech First v. Sands



September 15, 2023


U.S. Supreme Court


To schedule an interview about this amicus brief, please contact us.