If you’re a government worker stuck paying dues to a union you don’t want to support, you can quit. Plus, if you joined your union without being informed of your right not to join, you should also be able to stop paying dues immediately and get back the dues you’ve already paid.
Government workers’ First Amendment rights were restored in 2018 when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of government employee Mark Janus in Janus v. AFSCME that union membership was optional and workers could not be forced into paying fees or dues to a union in order keep their jobs.
At the Liberty Justice Center, we want to make sure government employees are aware of their rights and ensure they are free to exercise them.
We’re the Liberty Justice Center, a non-profit legal organization that helps protect the economic liberty, private property rights, free speech, and other fundamental rights of regular Americans. Our attorneys have fought for workers’ rights and won in courts across the country, including helping Mark Janus win in the U.S. Supreme Court.
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