Minnesota State College System Students:
Your Semester Fees are Fueling the Woke Culture!

Did you know the Minnesota State Board of Trustees requires each student who attends a state university to pay a mandatory fee each semester? Nearly $900,000 is collected from students each year. Instead of investing that money in programs that improve student life, the government funnels it to a political advocacy nonprofit called Students United. Students United then uses your dollars to promote woke agendas and even racist ideologies on behalf of organizations like Black Lives Matter.

This forced fee is not only wrong — it's unconstitutional.

The First Amendment protects your right to say what you want to sayand to not say what you don’t want to say. It also protects your right to choose whether to pay for someone else’s speechwhich means it protects you against being forced to pay for an organization to engage in speech you disagree with. So when the Minnesota State system forces you to pay for Students United’s activism, it violates your First Amendment rights.

Help us Stop Forced Fees

If you object to paying this fee, we believe you have a First Amendment right not to pay it. That’s why we are looking for current students from the Minnesota State College System universities listed below to challenge this unconstitutional fee. And, the best part is, unlike this forced fee—we’ll represent you for FREE.

  • Bemidji State University
  • Metropolitan State University
  • Minnesota State University, Mankato
  • Minnesota State University Moorhead
  • Southwest Minnesota State University
  • St. Cloud State University
  • Winona State University

Take the first step towards stopping these forced fees and defending free speech by filling out our potential plaintiff form. And, remember—we’ll represent you for free and help you take back control over your own money.

Contact Us Today

Please tell us more about your situation and how we can reach you. We’ll be in touch soon.

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We’re the Liberty Justice Center, a non-profit legal organization that helps regular Americans exercise their rights—free of charge. Our attorneys have fought and won in courts nationwide, including the U.S. Supreme Court. We can do the same for you.

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